
Best Screen Recording

Capture the whole page, just the visible part, or just a frame. Upload and share them with others.The best screen capture extension for your browser.


Get capture, share and have access your screen in single click.

  • Capture a window of the browser. Let the end-user see what's visible on the screen.

  • Click tick to finish recording or cross to cancel. Commence lively afresh.

  • Ninjacapture is integrated with the varied saving destinations.

  • Annotate screenshots with ease. Add custom images, icons,shapes, masks.

best screen recording

Screen Recorder

Record web page activities seamlessly in video format. Select the area on your screen to instantly record and share the file with anyone.

screen recorder
record both cam and tab

Record Both Cam and Tab

Enhance your web browsing activities by accessing your cam and microphone. Explain in detail the activity you record on a web page by narrating through your microphone and webcam.



Choose what to share tab, full screen, or just a site save and share instantly with anyone.

full screen or just a site

Full Screen or Just a site

Choose want to share between full screen or just a site and share with anyone after recording.

frame rate

Frame Rate

Set the frame rate of the video on the screen you wish to record and choose between screens and share them instantly



Choose a video resolution for videos that helps you to generate the most appropriate video dimension for your project.

Find out more about Screen Recorder

Webcam Support

Record your narratives on web activities through your webcam and save them for future reference or share them with others effortlessly.

webcam support
play and pause

Play and Pause

Switch between webcam and screen recording during a video. Start recording videos on your screen. Videos can be paused, rewound, fast-forwarded, and even deleted.

microphone and system audio

Microphone and System Audio

Record Webcam makes it easy to record webcam video, system audio, and microphone audio for your Video recording.

instant share

Instant Share

Easily upload, share, or keep files in the cloud.

Find out more about Webcam Support

Audio Recording

Record high-quality audio instantly by accessing your microphone with a single tap through NinjaCapture.

audio recording
microphone and system audio

Microphone and System Audio

Record audio from an ongoing discussion either in an audio or video meeting. It can be done from your videos from either a microphone or directly using the Record audio.

instant share

Instant Share

Securely upload files to the cloud, share them with others, or keep them for future reference.

Find out more about Audio Recording


Interpret your screen capture, Video and webcam Record like a pro. Add more significance and weighty your captures and recording with professional markup tools. Edit, Insert, trim recordings and screencaptures. All seamless elucidations embedded in one toolbar.

edit and insert in screencast

Edit and Insert In Screencast

Annotate screen captures with professional markup tools. When you share your screen with your peer mates, you can use this feature to point your annotations to the other participants on the same page.

add texts

Add Texts

Add texts to images with ease. Just upload your text, select the font and color, set the alignment and size, and add captions for your pictures.

add shapes and icons

Add Shapes and Icons

Make your screenshot designs more attractive and appealing with these easy-to-use shapes and icons. Add colorful rectangles, circles, or squares to your screenshot, and save it as a PNG file.

free hand annotation

Free Hand Annotation

Collaborate with anyone, anytime and anywhere. FreeHand Annotation makes it easy to share ideas in a way that everyone can understand.

Find out more about Annotations


Capture screenshots of web pages in different sizes. Customize those files and save or share them in no time.

capture visible part of page

Capture Visible Part of Page

Helps users to capture the visible part of the page with high quality resolution.

full page

Full Page

Capture the entire Screen with Full page screen Capture Mode.

specific area

Specific Area

Capture Selected area of the screen and Share with your Friends and Colleuges.

annotate screenshots

Annotate Screenshots

Add shapes and icons to your screenshot. Highlight certain parts of the screenshot and also make it easier for your audience to understand and interact with your work.

share and save screenshots

Share and Save Screenshots

Upload your files securely to the cloud, share them with anyone, or keep them for future references.

Find out more about Screenshots

Integrate with storage apps

Store all your files securely on prominent cloud applications integrated with NinjaCapture.

integrate with storage apps
google drive

Google Drive

Store and share your files in Google Drive and access them from any device with an internet connection. Multiple cloud storage options are available.



You can access all your files from any connected device with Drop Box, allowing you to store, share, and access all your files.



Box allows you to store, share, and access files from any connected device.



Access your files anywhere with ease with 500 Box ,where you can store, share, and access them on any device with internet access.

Find out more about Integrate with storage apps

Comments and Discussions

Allow recipients to comment on your shared files and get actionable insights from the discussions and feedback.

comments and discussions
leave comments

Leave Comments

Keep track of everything from discussion notes to daily tasks by adding a note.

add descriptions

Add Descriptions

Add descriptions to your images and videos and easily explain the content of your images and videos and share it with your friends.

Find out more about Comments and Discussions


Share the files you captured or recorded through NinjaCapture securely to anyone from any device with password protection.

secure sharing

Secure sharing

Access to your files is possible via email. It allows you to share your data securely with anyone who has an email address and is connected to the internet, and gives you complete control over your data.

auto generated password

Auto Generated Password

Passwords can be securely shared with team members, and usage can be tracked. This app facilitates the sharing of highly secure files such as API keys, credentials, and so on. It's a simple way to keep track of your passwords.

shorten link

Shorten Link

Easily share short links via email or chat by clicking a button.

Find out more about Security

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